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growing serendipity

👋 Hi, I'm Cameron!

Welcome to my digital garden. This my online home for incubating ideas. I aim to help future readers (including myself) grow snippets into serendipidata.

The structure evolves often. You are welcome to browse. Here's why I started tending a digital garden.

🧠 currently thinking about

I paused my public "now" log in 2023 as I was investing more in my internal/private writing practice.

As of May 2024, I am investigating rebooting "learning in public" with a more focused "TIL" log.

January 2023

  • feat: sveltekit: ported (99 LOC) spreadsheet. Repo
  • docs: keeping weekly snippets (close to 1 year anniversary)
  • present: Annual research review recap (highlights from IEEE Vis)

Last month

December 2022

  • Revisited "human in the loop" papers from HILDA (2016-2023)

More about now pages


top-level sections

online nooks

thought streams