The Library

Organizing this section roughly based on PARA: (introduction (Private)) .

I'm interested in systems that mingle notes with tasks.

The division is often murky. Drawing boundaries that are "less efficient" but enable unplanned collisions is useful for creative work.

  1. Zettelkasten (Actively integrate new ideas into existing network, summarize after each reading)
  2. Personal Kanban (Visualize your work, limit work in progress)


  • External: Channeling Marshall McLuhan: "First we shape our tools, then our tools shape us"
  • First we build tools to fit our current workflows, then our tools shape the way we work
  • See Jessica Kerr's (Private) ideas about symmathesy. Problems with complex systems require understanding not just mechanical code/infra, but also the organization/people who operate + grow + use the system.

  1. Archive
  2. Areas
  3. Library Overview
  4. Projects
  5. Resources