Monday - Day 2


  1. 10 AM VisComm / TestVis (Shelly, Cheese)
  2. 11:45 AM TestVis (Danyel, Tests)
  3. VisGuides / VisXAi
  • Sheelagh Carpendale Keynote (Heuristics, Guideliens, Best Practices)
  • Ian: Design patterns (heh) guidelines from AI explainers
  1. VisXAi (6 short papers)


Session 1

  • Learned of Schmoo Plots for chip yield boost. Detail.
  • VAOS and Post Silicon Validation UIs -> worth browsing the demos/videos

Session 2

  • Observability / Domain Specific (Danyel Fisher, former Sanddance)
    • "Choosing the groupby" problem - Check Eugene Wu's Scorpion paper
    • Check BubbleUp plot: combine heatmap along with distribution on hover examplars.
    • Earth mover algorithms for sorting groupbys (distance between 2 probabilities)
  • Submit quality/flakiness CI vis next year
  • General purpose DAG vis

Session 3

Session 4

  • Try Distill template

Raw notes

Session 1



  • Missed TestVis keynote, was in VisComm first to see Shelly's presentation (which yielded a comment from Marti Hearst about annotations vs captions!)
    • This figure shows the percentage of takeaways mentioning primary or secondary features in single and multi-line charts when captions vary in two perspectives: the captioned feature and the semantic level. In the upper-left quadrant, the green bars are higher than the yellow bars, indicating statistical level captions highlight primary features in single-line charts more effectively. In the other three quadrants, especially the lower two quadrants, the yellow bars are higher than the green bars. This result shows that perceptual level captions increase the memorability of medium or low salience features, such as primary and secondary features in multi-line charts.
  • Mara Solen: visualization literacy: include both construction + reading knowledge in literacy
  • Visual Exploration of Rheological Test Results from Soft Materials
    • built a mini-datadog-like configurable dashboard (VAOS) which tests stress/strain response of soft materials like cheese
    • . Has video too!
    • Users weren't expecting linked views, may need some training to leverage fully... but as starting point, it automated bulk graph creation!
  • Interactive Analysis of Post-Silicon Validation Data
    • #reread (Private)
    • General approach: help people compare distributions of item clusters when there are 10s of items with 60 + dims
      • Is this analagous to comparing service metrics on a bunch of hosts or services?
      • Check baselines/pictures from onenote
      • Mix expert annotations with raw readings, had convenient data importer
Schmoo Plots

Session 2 - TestVis

Session 3

Session 4

Sessions not attended but marked

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